What is a Community Bike Shop?
Unlike a traditional bike shop where you drop your bike off and someone else repairs it for you, a community bike shop is a space where you can learn to do your ownmaintenance and repairs at minimal cost. We provide the space and tools – you provide the labor.
Click here for an overview of our temporary shop location at Courthouse Center, 10 N. Washington Street, Rockville MD 20850.

But I don’t know anything about fixing a bike!
Volunteers will be on hand to provide instruction and assistance on a wide range of repair and maintenance tasks. We will help you replace chains, frayed cables and worn brake pads. Gears not shifting properly? – We can help you replace cables and housing, adjust shift levers and derailleurs and help you understand how to use all those gears your bike came with.
We can help you learn how to do more advanced tasks like maintaining or replacing headsets and bottom brackets. Take advantage of that killer deal on a frame and build it up with exactly the parts you want. Never built a wheel? – We can provide the space, tools and instruction to tackle this often mystifying task.